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Albatrans SARL

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Albatrans SARL
in Valmorel

All year round.

Pratical informations


73260 Valmorel

Contact us by e-mail

Stéphane Bouvier 06 16 55 43 22

Laurent Hyvoz 06 15 38 57 98

Go to web site
Payment methods accepted : Bank/credit card, Check, Cash,


Transfers airports, railway ans bus station.

Company based in Aigueblanche 5 minutes from Moutiers and 20 minutes from Valmorel with 6 taxi licenses (Moutiers / La Léchère / Aigueblanche / Valmorel)
With a transport capacity of less than nine people.
18 vehicles in the winter season (from 1 to 8 passengers).
Airport / train transfers.
Activity also taxi parcels and urgent folds.
The company is approved by the social security funds to provide medical taxi transport.