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La Motte de Beurre – B11

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La Motte de Beurre – B11
in Nâves

From 01/05 to 31/10.

Pratical informations

Refuge du Nant du Beurre
73260 Nâves

Contact us by e-mail

Valmorel 04 79 09 85 55

La Léchère 04 79 22 51 60



Pleasant walk from the Nant du Beurre refuge (2079 m) to discover and appreciate the panoramas visible from the upper Nâves valley.

This loop can be done by all hikers including active families with children because it presents no major difficulty.
After leaving the Nant du Beurre refuge and covering a few hundred meters, you will observe an altitude lake located under the Dzonfié (2455 m), the highest point in the Nâves valley.
From there, you will take a very nice balcony path where the heathland (rhododendrons, blueberries, etc.) offer color contrasts whatever the season. You will then descend towards the Beauregard chalet (1969 m), then take the Grand Tour de Tarentaise trail and the Tour du Beaufortain variant to return to the Nant du Beurre refuge.


Free of charge.



Randonnée B11 [gpx]

Route informations

Distance : 2.5 Km

Duration : 1 Hours

Maximum altitude : 2080 M

Elevation : 130 M


Come and walk alongside Lulu the dragonfly to discover the riches of the wetlands. You'll find educational panels along the way. Frogs and lizards will hold no more secrets for you!
Sentier de découverte des zones humides de la vallée de Nâves