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Valmorel Outdoor Activities

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Valmorel Outdoor Activities
in Doucy

From 21/12/2024 to 13/04/2025, daily. From 28/06 to 31/08/2025, daily.

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73260 Doucy

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06 33 56 95 00

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Several guides are at your service for snowshoeing outings but also a complete programme of walks.

Mountain activity provider for winter and summer.
Winter : guided snowshoeing (or walking)
Summer : walking, adventure course, canyoning, photo safari in Vanoise.


Huddled under its white coat in the heart of winter, it has more than one secret to reveal. A conservatory for fir biodiversity, its seeds have been chosen to reforest other mountains.
Arboretum de Doucy
Your children can learn to build the most beautiful huts in the forest during an outing.
Camp des trappeurs
Discover the magnificent blue lake !
Randonnée au lac Bleu
Your children will learn to become real adventurers during this outing. Making a fire with a flint will hold no secrets for them! Of course, they will combine business with pleasure by roasting marshmallows on their own campfire.
Randonnée des aventuriers
Enjoy a day hike to discover the Vanoise National Park. You will discover a wild and preserved place since 1963.
Randonnée en vanoise
Discover the magic forest on snowshoes, a walk that is both instructive and fun. Snowshoes provided for the outing.
Balade des Trappeurs - Enfants
Walk on the heights of the resort, between undergrowth and edges, on the trail of the ermine. Everything you need to know to decode animal tracks.
Sortie raquette Sentier de L'hermine
Meditative walk: discovering the silence of winter. Combine the benefits of a nature walk with relaxation techniques.
Raquette et bien-être
In the Lauzière mountain range, approach by the Celliers cable car, going up at the heart of a sector where the mountain reminds you all of its hugeness, breathtaking landscapes...
Raquettes à neige : Rando journée au Logis des Fées